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Cosmological Argument
The Cosmological Argument - HL Philosophy
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Mind Map by
Emily Chivers
, updated more than 1 year ago
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Emily Chivers
about 8 years ago
Resource summary
Cosmological Argument
A posteriori
knowledge gained 'after experience'
in this case, experience of the universe & world
3 premises
Everything that exists has a cause
The universe exists, so must have a cause
That cause is God
Ways to prove God
1. Change/motion: Things do not change without a cause
It is necessary to arrive at a first mover affected by no other: God
2. Cause: There must be a chain of causes, the first being God
It is necessary to admit a first efficient cause: God
3.Contingency: A future event that is not certain, dependent on something else
Everything is contingent, there must have been something that is non-contingent
A necessary being
Infinite regress: an infinite number of events in the past
rejected: said there must be a first event
Potentiality & Actuality
Aristotle was interested in the move from potentiality to actuality: Everything actualised has 4 causes
4. final
The aim for which something is created
The prime mover only has a Final Cause???
3. efficient
The way in which something is created
2. formal
The expression, idea or plan that lead to the creation of something
Everything has a material from which it was made
Actuality: When potential is achieved
Potentiality: the possibility of doing/becoming something
There must be a mover as all movement depends on a mover
Prime Mover
Immune to change, decay, death
independent of a mover (unmoved mover)
Observe the world: we see movement & growth
supported infinite regress, rejected necessary being & contingency
The Brute Fact: The universe just IS.
We can't understand/explain the universe fully
Therefore shouldn't ask questions about it
Because the answer would be meaningless (wouldn't understand it)
Fallacy of Composition
Falsely ascribing the properties of the parts of a whole to the whole
eg: things in the universe were created so the universe was also created.
The Roles of God
an explanation (the fact that there is something rather than nothing needs an explanation)
The sustainer of motion, causation & existence
cause in esse
God as the temporal first cause (at the beginning of time)
Cause in esse: brings things into existence, must be involved for continuation
Cause in fieri: brings things into existence but no longer involved
Scientific Theories
Anthony Kenny
Animals move themselves
Newtons 1st Law of Motion
A body's velocity will remain unchanged unless a force acts upon it
friction, gravity
without gravity we would be in constant motion
Things stop us moving as apposed to starting movement
steady state theory
energy can't be created: universe will always weigh & look the same, is eternal
Big Bang Theory (rejection of steady state)
Was there a cause for it though?
Could be spontaneous
Kalam Cosmological Argument
Whatever begins to exist has a cause, the universe began to exist
Universe can't be infinite if running out of usable energy
A universe that is expanding must have a starting point
spaceless, timeless, uncaused, immaterial, powerful
Kant: NO because we don't know cause & effect are related (illusion)
circular logic: if God is first cause, what caused God?
Doesn't point to the classical theist God
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