And then there were none....


A Character Chart
jamie margolis
Mind Map by jamie margolis, updated more than 1 year ago
jamie margolis
Created by jamie margolis about 8 years ago

Resource summary

And then there were none....
  1. General J. MacArthur
    1. Retired military Officer
      1. Crime
        1. History/Background
          1. Further Clues
            1. Order of Death and Cause
    2. Miss Emily Brent-65 and very proper. Likes little. Can't read the name on the invite.
      1. Daughter of Colonel
        1. Crime
          1. History/BG
            1. Further Clues
              1. Order of Death/Cause
      2. Dr. Edward Armstrong-Going to island to take care of Mrs. Owen
        1. Physician-had an "incident"


          • He is wealthy and successful, but it's amazing since he did something in the past that was so very bad. 
          1. Crime
            1. History/BG
              1. Further Clues
                1. Order of Death/Cause
        2. Captain Phillip Lombard-hired for a mysterious job. Was hired by Isaac Morris.
          1. Former Military officer
            1. Crime
              1. History /BG
                1. Further Clues
                  1. Order of Death/Cause
            2. Thinks Vera's pretty
            3. Miss Vera Claythorne-hired as a secretary by Una Nancy Owen
              1. PE Teacher-was in love with Hugo Hamilton who felt she was guilty for the drowning.
                1. Crime-death of the young boy
                  1. History/BG
                    1. Further Clues
                      1. Order of Death/Cause
              2. Mr. William Blore
                1. Former Police officer
                  1. Crime
                    1. History B/G
                      1. Further Clues
                        1. Order of Death/Cause
                2. Tony Marston-Rich, handsome, carefree
                  1. Playboy
                    1. Crime
                      1. History/BG
                        1. Further Clues
                          1. Order of Death/Cause
                  2. Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers (Ethel/Thomsas)
                    1. Butler and Housekeeper
                      1. Crime
                        1. History BG
                          1. Further Cues
                            1. Order of Death/Cause
                    2. Justice Lawrence Wargrave
                      1. Retired Judge-invited by Constance Culmington
                        1. Crime
                          1. History/BG
                            1. Further Clues
                              1. Order of Death/Cause
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