Visualizing your thoughts and immense potential


Word Map to Build Vocab & Sentences
Bill Tam
Mind Map by Bill Tam, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Bill Tam
Created by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Visualizing your thoughts and immense potential
  1. 1. Stay curious and excited in discovering what you really love to realize the immense potential in you, and not be afraid to make mistakes in the process.
    1. 2. Aware of all negative and limiting thoughts in your mind, and to turn them into positive actions and opportunities to improve.
      1. 3. Aware that you can realize the immense potential of your brain, by sharpening your focus and attention when learning in order to retain valuable knowledge and positive memories in your brain.
        1. 4. Use your brain frequently, happily and wisely to realize your full potential in collaboration with positive people.
          1. 5. Make deliberate effort to apply your free will to make wise choices and commitments, and persevere to be a positive and valuable person.
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