Germany was politically unstable after the Kaiser abdictated. the country was not used to the democracy
The Weimar republic was lead by weak governments
People thought the new government had betrayed Germany by surrendering in WW1
Opposition parties tried to take over the new republic
Radicals (like Adolf hiter ) hated the new Republic and wanted to destroy it
The Weimar Constitution
The president
Elected every 7 years . Appoints chancellor . Can use Article 48 which meant that in an emergency the President could pass any law without asking the Reichstag ( Reichastag is the german Parliment )
The Chancellor
Appointed by the president. Needs support from the majority of the Reichstag
The Reichstag
Same as our House of Commons. They have the power to pass ( or reject ) changes to the law. Elected by proportional representation every 4 years
The Electrate ( The German voters )
All adults over the age of 20 could vote for president and Reichstag
Strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar constitution
Political parties recieved the same percentage of seats as they did votes
Role of the president of the Weimar Republic was strong
A lot of parties in the Parliment
Weak governments
President had TOO MUCH power
Opposition parties were allowed to critise the governement