Quadratic Functions


Quadratic functions Mind Map on Quadratic Functions, created by owensharks on 04/05/2013.
Mind Map by owensharks, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by owensharks almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Quadratic Functions
  1. Quadratic formula
    1. Rootrs/Zeros
      1. Discriminant
        1. b^2-4ac
          1. Example if: if b^2-4ac=o we have no roots
            1. If b^2-4ac>o, we have two dinstinct roots
              1. if b^2<, we have two imaginary roots
            2. x=-b+-^.5 b^2-ac/2
            3. Standard form
              1. ax^2+bx+c=0
                1. To solve
                  1. You can Factor it
                    1. example
                      1. x^2+-5x+4=0
                        1. (x-4)(x-1)
                          1. Example of finding the squares
                    2. Or use quadraic formula
                  2. c value is the y-intercept
                    1. Graphing
                      1. changes in c
                        1. if c>0, parabola moves up
                          1. if c<0, the parabola moves down
                          2. changes in b
                            1. b>0, vertex movs down and left
                              1. b<0, vertex moves dow and right
                            2. to get to vertex form you complet the square
                            3. Vertex form
                              1. a(x-h)^2+k
                                1. example
                                  1. a(3-1)+8
                                    1. if a is negitive, the parabla opens up
                                      1. if a is positive the graph opens down
                                    2. To slove
                                      1. Isolate 'x'
                                      2. H and K are = to vertex
                                        1. If a>0, vertex is minimum
                                          1. If a<, vertex is maximum
                                          2. changes in K
                                            1. if K>0, the parabola shifts up
                                              1. if k<0 the parabola shifts down
                                            2. changes in h
                                              1. if h>o, the parabola shifts right
                                                1. if h<o, the parabala shifts left
                                              2. Factored form
                                                1. a(x-s)(x-t)
                                                  1. example
                                                    1. a(x-7)(x+7)
                                                  2. To solve
                                                    1. set each factor to = 0
                                                  3. Graphing
                                                    1. Parabola
                                                      1. Positive
                                                        1. negitive
                                                        2. vertex
                                                          1. x/y intercept
                                                            1. x/y coordinats
                                                              1. Translations
                                                                1. horazontal
                                                                  1. vertical
                                                                  2. shift and step method
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