Cluster Pre-Writing Excersice for the Conclusion of a Research Paper


Cluster Pre-Writing Excersice for the Conclusion of a Research Paper
Jose Velez
Mind Map by Jose Velez, updated more than 1 year ago
Jose Velez
Created by Jose Velez about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Cluster Pre-Writing Excersice for the Conclusion of a Research Paper
  1. Results of the Survey
    1. What we learned from the students
      1. How we saw racism in the University
        1. How much are they exposed to racism and discrimination
      2. How people Perceive Racism in College
        1. The difference between black and white students perspective
          1. How Racism/Discrimination is seen and affect each race
            1. Perspective of which race female students identify themselves in our survey
          2. Review of Research Papers Used
            1. Resulted conclusion of each paper
              1. How does each race react or manage racism and discrimination
              2. Final Statement of the level of racism
                1. How much of it exists in female students
                  1. How can it be fixed or handled
                    1. How it's being handled by the female students and the university faculty
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