D: Other Regulators


CII - Level 4 Diploma R01 - Financial services, regulation, and ethics (C4: The Regulation of Financial Services) Mind Map on D: Other Regulators, created by Mark Varela on 31/03/2014.
Mark Varela
Mind Map by Mark Varela, updated more than 1 year ago
Mark Varela
Created by Mark Varela almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

D: Other Regulators
  1. Office of Fair Trading


    • - enforce competition & consumer protection rules - study how markets are working - improve awareness & understanding of good market practice - license businesses that offer goods or services on credit, lend money, or involved in activities relating to credit or hire under Consumer Credit Act (CCA) - can refuse or revoke a license if decides trader is not fit - maintain Consumer Credit Public Register
    1. Competition Commission


      • - work with HM Treasury & FCA to ensure competition between UK companies is fair for the benefit of business - three issues of concern are in mergers, in markets, in regulated sectors - can require mergers to stop from going ahead, require a firm to sell off part of its business, or require them to behave in a way that safeguards competition - replaced Monopolies & Mergers Commission in 1999 following Competition Act 1998
      1. The Pensions Regulator


        • - took over from OPRA 6th April 2005 - protect benefits of work-based pension schemes - promote good admin - reduce risk of situations which may lead to compensation payable from Pension Protection Fund - maximise employer compliance with employer duties - can prohibit a person from being a trustee, suspend, appoint, fine any individual (£5k) or company (£50k) for breach of law, wind-up a scheme - can obtain court injunction to prevent any misuse of assets of occupational pension scheme
        1. Information Commissioner's Office


          • - UK independent body set up to maintain information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals - oversee the working of the Data Protection Act - oversee Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulation, Freedom of Information Act 2000, Environmental Information Regulations
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          A2: Financial Services Act 2012
          Mark Varela
          G: Laws of succession
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          C3: Enforcement in civil & criminal courts
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          D1A-D2: Compliance monitoring
          Mark Varela
          E: Additional Oversight
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          H: Types of Trust
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          D: Law of agency
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          B: Powers of attorney
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          A: Legal Persons
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          A: UK's Financial Services Regulatory Landscape
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          B: FCA Objectives
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