A: Legal Persons


CII - Level 4 Diploma R01 - Financial services, regulation, and ethics (C3: Legal concepts and considerations relevant) Mind Map on A: Legal Persons, created by Mark Varela on 31/03/2014.
Mark Varela
Mind Map by Mark Varela, updated more than 1 year ago
Mark Varela
Created by Mark Varela almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

A: Legal Persons
  1. Sole Trader


    • - personally liable for debts and liabilities of the business - business profits liable to income tax - capital gains treated as gains made by individual and liable to CGT - NICs Class 2 & 4 payable (twice annually) - employees pay PAYE tax & Class 1 NICs - employer pays secondary Class 1 NICs
    1. Partnerships


      • - partners only pay tax on their share of the profits - each partner has unlimited liability for trade debts - both pay income tax and NICs using their own personal allowances and are personally liable
      1. Limited Liability Partnerships


        • - introduced by Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000 - partners not individually liable for LLP's debts - partners are still s/e for income tax and NIC purposes - no corporation tax to pay
        1. Limited Companies


          • - company responsible for own debts to limit of value of assets - must register with Registrar of Companies in order to trade - pay Corporation Tax on all profits including captial gains - office holders (Directors) salaries chargeable as income but they pay tax on an annual cumulative basis
          1. PLCs


            • - must have at least 2 directors & shareholders - must have alloted shares with value of at least £50k and recv'd at least quarter of nominal value
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            G: Laws of succession
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            C3: Enforcement in civil & criminal courts
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            D1: Regulatory supervisison & the risk-based approach
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