Factors Influencing Attitudes to Food and Eating Behaviour


A level Psychology A2 (Eating Behaviours) Mind Map on Factors Influencing Attitudes to Food and Eating Behaviour, created by Stephanie Bates on 31/03/2014.
Stephanie Bates
Mind Map by Stephanie Bates, updated more than 1 year ago
Stephanie Bates
Created by Stephanie Bates almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Factors Influencing Attitudes to Food and Eating Behaviour
  1. Cultural Influences
    1. What is Considered Food (e.g...)
      1. Regional Area, food availability (e.g...)
        1. Religious Practices (restrictions) (fasting/feasting)
          1. Jewish - Kosher, Fast/feasting days Islam - Pork+Alcohol
            1. Wardle et al. (1997) - Survey diets of 16,000 ppl, 21 European countries. Sweden, Denmark Holland = Fibre. Italy, Portugal, Spain = Fruit,
              1. Leshem (2009) - Bedouin Arab (desert encampments), Bedouin (Urban setting (1 generation), Jewish women. Cultural differences remain even with easy access to wide range of foods.
              2. Mood
                1. Eating linked to emotional state, stress + anxiety = over/under eating
                  1. Inc/ carb. = Better mood + energy. Sweet taste = pleasurable = Pos/ attitudes towards these types of food. e.g. Choc.
                    1. Serotonin Hypothesis - Insulin, amino acids, Tryptophan = serotonin.
                      1. Corsica + Spring (2008) - 21 overweight women "carb cravers". Low mood - sad memories. High Carb/Protein milkshakes.
                        1. Gender Bias
                          1. Garg et al. (2007) - 38 ppts, sad/upbeat film. Popcorn - 36% more with sad.
                            1. Effect disappeared when shown nutritional info. meaning...
                          2. Nicklaus et al. (2004) - Age. Parental attitudes and early experiences. SLT/ operant conditioning. Health concerns / media. No one factor decisive.
                            1. IDA - Nature/Nurture - complex mix - biological mechanisms + psychological/social/cultural Inf/s.
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