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Melina Hall
Mind Map by Melina Hall, updated more than 1 year ago
Melina Hall
Created by Melina Hall about 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Factoring
    1. Divisibility and Factors
      1. Divide the bigger number by the smaller number, if it is a whole number, then it is a factor
      2. Greatest Common Factor
        1. List out the factors of both numbers and find the greatest one that both have in common
          1. If it has variables, look at the one that they have in common and add it at the end of the answer
          2. Factors and Factorization
            1. Create a factor tree and simplify the prime numbers into a smaller equation
          3. Radicals
            1. Simplifying Radicals
              1. When simplifying, find the square root of the number that's inside the "hut"
                1. If it's not perfect, make a factor tree and put the choices in a "hut" and simplify
                2. Adding and Subtracting Radicals
                  1. Add the outside numbers together when the square roots are the same
                    1. Simplify radicals when the square roots are not equal, then add
                      1. Rewrite radicals in simplest form for subtracting
                      2. Multiplying Radicals
                        1. When multiplying square roots together, multiply the numbers inside together and then the ones on the outside together
                          1. Breakdown the square root. If you have a pair of numbers, move it to the outside and multiply the remaining together and make that the new square root
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