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Renewable Energy Sources
Renewable Energy Sources//Physics Revision(AQA)
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energy sources
Mind Map by
Salimah Ahmad
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Liam Bhangal
over 9 years ago
Copied by
Salimah Ahmad
about 8 years ago
Resource summary
Renewable Energy Sources
Geothermal Energy
Only possible in volcanic areas where hot rocks lie near the surace
Steam & hot water rise to the surface and are used to drive a generator
Free energy, no environmental problems
aren't suitable locations for power plants, cost of building power plants are too high
Wind Power
Wind Turbine has its own generator inside. The electricity is generated directly from the wind turning the blades
Initial costs are quite high, very noisy, no power when wind stops
no fuel or minimal costs, no permanent damage
Solar Cells
Solar Cells generate electric currents directly from sunlight
Used in remote places and to power electric road signs and satellites
not effective in 'cloudy countries', generate electricity on a small scale e.g. individual homes
in sunny countries solar power is a very reliable,running costs almost nil, the energy is free
Wave Power
As waves come into the shore they provide an up & down motion which can be used to drive the generator
no fuel costs, minimal running costs
hazard to boats,waves tend to die out when the wind drops
Requires flooding of a valley by building a dam. Rainwater is caught and allowed out throughout the turbines
immediate response to an increased demand for electricity
releases methane and CO2
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