Character descriptions Macbeth


character descriptions
ash prince
Mind Map by ash prince, updated more than 1 year ago
ash prince
Created by ash prince over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Character descriptions Macbeth
  1. Macbeth
    1. Macbeth is brave and a valiant solider but gets greedy and when the witches tell him the prophecies he is easily lead to agreeing with the dead of the king so he can become king
    2. Lady Macbeth
      1. Lady Macbeth is a strong dominant woman, we see this when she tells Macbeth to kill king Duncan, so she gets her own way. She's is ambitious and can remain in control.
      2. The Witches
        1. The Witches are a massive part in this story because they seem to put Macbeth under there spell, they also control the mysterious forces of the world.
        2. King Duncan
          1. King Duncan is king at the start of the play and is seen as a powerful leader but old. He is respected by everyone and is killed because of the greed of Macbeth
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