Harmful Microorganisms


GCSE Biology (B6) Mind Map on Harmful Microorganisms, created by alice.finlay on 22/03/2014.
Mind Map by alice.finlay, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alice.finlay over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Harmful Microorganisms
  1. Microorganisms that cause disease are called PATHOGENS
    1. Diseases caused by pathogens
      1. Cholera and food poisoning = caused by bacteria
        1. Influenza and chickenpox = caused by a virus
          1. Athletes foot = caused by fungus
          2. Entry of pathogens
            1. NOSE = airborne diseases
              1. MOUTH = contaminated water and food
                1. SKIN = bites, cuts, infected needles
                  1. REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS = contact
                  2. Preventing transmission of disease
                    1. FOOD - Cook, freeze, preserve
                      1. WATER - Boil it
                        1. CONTACT - Avoid it, use a form of barrier e.g. gloves
                          1. AIRBORNE DROPLETS - Cover mouth when we cough, sneeze
                          2. Stages of infection
                            1. 1. Entry into the body (0 days)
                              1. 2. Rapid growth of pathogen = incubation period (0-4 days)
                                1. 3. Production of toxins (0-4 days)
                                  1. 4. Appearance of symptoms e.g. fever (4-9 days)
                                  2. Cholera
                                    1. Vibrio Cholerae bacteria causes cholera, it lives in water
                                      1. Sterilising the water (by boiling it) can prevent this
                                      2. Antiseptics kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms on the external surfaces of the body
                                        1. Antibiotics destroy bacteria internally but have no effect on viruses
                                          1. There are more cases of food poisoning in the summer months because warm weather can increase bacteria reproduction. Barbecues don't usually cook food properly. Also, there are a lot more flies about in the summer
                                            1. Haiti - Dysentery, cholera and food poisoning all become a major problem after natural disasters because
                                              1. Damage to water supplies/sewage systems
                                                1. Damage to electrical supplies causing rapid food decay
                                                  1. Disrupted health services
                                                    1. Displacements of people (overcrowding)
                                                    2. How to reduce antibiotic resistance
                                                      1. Only use when necessaary
                                                        1. Always complete the course of antibiotics
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