

GCSE Biology (B6) Mind Map on Microorganisms, created by alice.finlay on 22/03/2014.
Mind Map by alice.finlay, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alice.finlay over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 3 types of microorganisms
    1. Bacteria
      1. Viruses
        1. Fungi
        2. Bacteria
          1. DNA = Controls cell's activities and replication
            1. Cell Wall = Maintains shape and prevents osmotic lysis (bursting)
              1. Flagellum = For movement
                1. Bacterial Reproduction
                  1. Bacteria reproduce asexually by binary fission
                    1. In industry, this process can be accelerated in large fermenters e.g. GM bacteria to make insulin and making yoghurt
                      1. Right conditions, reproduction/growth is rapid. Can lead to food spoilage and disease
                        1. Some bacteria consume food (organic nutrients) while some make their own, they can survive on a wide range of energy sources and they can exploit a wide range of habitats - This helps them to survive
                        2. Aseptic Techniques
                          1. Wear disposable gloves/wash hands (before and after working with bacteria
                            1. Disinfect work area
                              1. Never leave lids off petri dishes with bacterial cultures growing
                                1. Sterilise (with heat) all of the equipment
                              2. Viruses
                                1. Very small
                                  1. Non-living and can only reproduce inside other living cells
                                    1. Can only attack specific cells
                                      1. Can infect plants, animals and bacterial cells (bacteriophages)
                                        1. Virus Reproduction
                                          1. 1.Virus attaches to specific host cell, 2.Injects its genetics into cell, 3.It uses cell's own components to make new viruses, 4.Host cell splits open, releasing viruses
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