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A: Distinction B/W FA A/c'ing & MA A/c'ing
Master ACCA F9: Financial Management (A: Financial Management Function) Mind Map on A: Distinction B/W FA A/c'ing & MA A/c'ing , created by Shahid Musthafa on 22/03/2014.
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a: financial management function
acca f9: financial management
acca f9: financial management
a: financial management function
Mind Map by
Shahid Musthafa
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Shahid Musthafa
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
A: Distinction B/W FA A/c'ing & MA A/c'ing
Financial Accounting
Within 12 Month Period
providing information about historic results of Past plans and decisions
External Reporting
Management Accounting
Within 12 Month Period
by management accountants and financial managers.
Internal Reporting
concerned with the detailed information
Used internally
by management accountants and financial managers.
Financial Management
Long term based
Long term raising of finance
Allocation of resources for long term purposes
includes targets and objectives of long term nature
More Than 12 Month Period
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