BIOLOGY: Diet & Energy


Mind Map on BIOLOGY: Diet & Energy, created by Anya Gvero on 08/10/2016.
Anya Gvero
Mind Map by Anya Gvero, updated more than 1 year ago
Anya Gvero
Created by Anya Gvero about 8 years ago

Resource summary

BIOLOGY: Diet & Energy
  1. Diet and metabolic rate
    1. Balanced diet:
      1. Carbohydrates, Fats & Protein = energy
        1. Vitamins, minerals & ions = keeping healty
        2. unbalanced diet = malnourished
        3. Losing Body Mass
          1. -Slimming diets -Exercising
            1. -More energy being used up than taken in -The body is forced to use up some of its stored fat for energy
          2. Metabolic Rate
            1. Definition: Rate at which chemical reactions take place in your cells
              1. The greater the proprtion of muscle to fat in the body, the higher the metabolic rate is likely to be
                1. Also increases during exercise
                2. Can be affected by your genes
              2. Fatty foods
                1. One gram of fat releases almost twice as much energy as one gram of carbohydrates or, one gram of protein
                  1. Proteins are not usually a source of energy for the body
                    1. they are used for other functions like growth and repair
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