Mind Map 1


GCSE PE Mind Map on Mind Map 1, created by matt_daniells on 01/05/2013.
Mind Map by matt_daniells, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by matt_daniells almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Mind Map 1
  1. Warmup and cooldown
    1. CV Warmup
      1. Stretching
        1. Specific skills practice
      2. Prevents injury
        1. Practice skills before the game
          1. Prepare psychologically
        2. Cool down flushes out lactic acid and helps to prevent stiffness and soreness in the muscles
        3. Tests
          1. HR tests
            1. Cooper's run - CV fitness and Muscular endurance
              1. Hand grip strength test - Muscular strength
                1. Sit and reach test - Flexibility
                  1. Harvard step test - CV fitness and Muscular Endurance
            2. SR tests
              1. Illinois agility run (agility)
                1. Standing stork test (balance)
                  1. Sergeant jump test (leg power)
                    1. Standing board jump (power)
                      1. Ruler drop test (reaction time)
                        1. 30-metre sprint (speed)
                          1. Three ball juggle (coordination)
            3. Principles of training
              1. Individual needs
                1. Progressive Overload
                2. Specificity
                  1. Rest and recovery
                    1. FITT
                3. Benefits of taking part in physical activity
                  1. Physical - Physical challenge, Increase performance, Contribute to good physical health
                    1. Social - Make new friends, Develop teamwork skills, Work with others
                      1. Relieve or prevent stress, Mental challenge (can I do it?), Increase self esteem and confidence
                      2. Influences on taking part - CHIRPS
                        1. Cultural factors (disability, age, gender)
                          1. Health and wellbeing (illness and health problems)
                            1. Image (fashion, media coverage)
                              1. Resources (availability, location, access, time)
                                1. People (family, friends)
                                  1. Socio-economic (cost)
                                  2. Opportunities for getting involved
                                    1. Government initiatives, i.e. two hours of PE per week
                                      1. Active Kids Program
                                      2. PE School Sport and Club Links (PESSCL
                                        1. The Youth Sport trust (sports leaders)
                                      3. Nutrients
                                        1. Carbohydrates - provide energy
                                          1. Fats - Provide energy with glycogen and help muscles work
                                            1. Proteins - Help build muscle and repair damaged tissue
                                              1. Minerals - Essential for a healthy body
                                                1. Vitamins - Essential for healthy bones, vision, skin etc.
                                                  1. Adds bulk to food and aids digestive system
                                                  2. Factors affecting optimum weight
                                                    1. Height
                                                      1. Gender
                                                        1. Bone Structure
                                                          1. Muscle girth
                                                    2. Maximum heart rate = 220 - Age
                                                      1. Target heart rate or target zone: the range within which an individual needs to work aerobic training to take place (60-80% of maximum heart rate)
                                                      2. Drugs
                                                        1. Anabolic steroids, risk of heart attack and strokes, infertility in women
                                                          1. Beta blockers, risk of nausea, tiredness and depression
                                                            1. Diuretics, risk of dehydration, and kidney problems long-term
                                                          2. Narcotic analgesics, loss of concentration, sometimes hallucinations
                                                            1. Stimulants, High blood pressure, addiction, insomnia
                                                              1. Peptide hormones, Increased risk of heart attack
                                                            2. Alcohol, affects coordination, damages liver, kidneys etc, slows reaction
                                                              1. Tobacco, Short of breath, increases risk of heart disease
                                                            3. Risk prevention
                                                              1. Warming up/cooling down
                                                                1. Checking equipment and facilities
                                                                  1. Protective equipment and clothing
                                                                    1. Balanced Competition
                                                                      1. Playing to the rules of competition
                                                                        1. Physical readiness
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