Colombian Peace Deal


Mind map about Colombian Peace Deal
Alexandra  Rubio Díaz
Mind Map by Alexandra Rubio Díaz, updated more than 1 year ago
Alexandra  Rubio Díaz
Created by Alexandra Rubio Díaz over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Colombian Peace Deal
  1. It is an agreement for peace in Colombia
    1. between
      1. Colombian President
        1. Juan Manuel Santos
        2. FARC
          1. Rodrigo Londoño
            1. Se disponía a regresar a Colombia después de cuatro años de negociaciones en La Habana
      2. Through
        1. Plebiscite
          1. This had two options
            1. YES
              1. 49.8 percent voting in favor
              2. NO
                1. 20.2 percent voted against
          2. The opinion of all Colombians was divided
            1. The FARC reiterates its disposition to use only words as a weapon to build toward the future
              1. This was an opportunity
                1. to finish
                  1. Abductions killings etc
                    1. to start lives as
                      1. Normal citizens, to receive reduced sentences for war crimes.
                2. According to the results
                  1. Francisco Santos said
                    1. “We want to redo the process”
                      1. A vice president under Mr. Uribe
                      2. the war lasted so long that it might have been difficult for many Colombians to forgive the FARC.
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