

A-Levels Film Studies Mind Map on Themes, created by Becky Francis on 01/05/2013.
Becky Francis
Mind Map by Becky Francis, updated more than 1 year ago
Becky Francis
Created by Becky Francis almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Political Issues
    1. Sits beneath the narrative in many Mexican films
      1. Political issues are in all 3 themes, but not obviously.
      2. Disintergration of Society
        1. Disintergration of values, morals, institutions and of norms.
          1. Class Divides
            1. Stop caring about friendships in Y Tu Mama Tambien
              1. El Chivo asassinates
              2. Sexual Unfulfilment
                1. Y Tu Mama Tambien
                  1. Como Agua Para Chocolate - Tita dies after sexual fulfilment
                  2. Gender Issues and Women's Roles
                    1. Like Water: Prizes are women, mother uses and abuses, Tita gives up chance for family.
                      1. Y Tu: Luisa is in control of the boys, but no control over her husband.
                        1. Amores Perros: Most women are weak, model is not matriarchal like Tita in Like Water.
                        2. Rituals and modernism
                          1. Y Tu: Pigs on beach represent Europeans coming over - symbolism of early settlement.
                            1. Like Water: Rituals - weddings, traditions and recipies
                              1. All end on death and depression.
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