Sources of food Jodi Poh


Jodi Poh
jodipoh yi hang
Mind Map by jodipoh yi hang, updated more than 1 year ago
jodipoh yi hang
Created by jodipoh yi hang almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Sources of food Jodi Poh
  1. Crops
    1. Soil
      1. Fertilisers
        1. Nutrients
        2. Appropriate pH
          1. Litmus paper
            1. Universal Indicator
              1. pH meter
            2. Can be protected by
              1. Biological control
                1. Natural enemies
                2. Chemical control
                  1. Herbicides
                    1. Pesticides
                      1. Can cause
                        1. Pollution
                          1. Air Pollution
                            1. Water pollution
                    2. Sunlight
                      1. Water
                        1. Air
                          1. Growth
                            1. Plant Hormones
                              1. Ripening of fruits
                                1. Weed killers
                        2. Can be increase by
                          1. Intensive production methods
                            1. Improving plant and animal varieties
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