Christian Ethics


Ethics Mind Map on Christian Ethics, created by jenny_allen on 01/05/2013.
Mind Map by jenny_allen, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jenny_allen over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Christian Ethics
    1. Can obtain absolute moral laws from the Jewish Old Testament.
      1. Conformity of behaviour to will of God.
        1. Recognition that God can tell people how to behave.
          1. Obligation to preserve the covenant relationship.
            1. Jewish ethics was law based, whereas Christian ethics now based on happiness, love and salvation
            2. Brought consequences of responsibility, obedience, adherence to law and uniqueness.
              1. Consequences can be seen in LEVITICUS 20.26
                1. 'You shall be holy and belong only to me because I am the Lord and I am holy. I have set you apart from the other nations so that you will belong only to me'
            3. THE BIBLE
              1. A source of authority, regarded as the Word of God.
                1. Fundamentalist Christians hold that the Bible is literally the Word of God - all that is necessary for salvation can be found within the scriptures.
                  1. 'Salvation history' - WELLHAUSEN & GRAF
                    1. Idea that there is a common theme throughout the Bible in which God reveals himself by a series of covenants.
                      1. Covenant = agreements between God and humans.
                        1. Demonstrates God's love for his world and people.
                    2. Protestants believe the Bible is the focal point of authority. Any belief must be supported by evidence from Scripture.
                      1. LUTHER - began Protestant Reformation in 1517.
                        1. Per sola fide (by faith alone)
                          1. Concerns salvation, as it's by faith alone that a person is saved.
                          2. Per sola scriptura (by the Bible alone)
                            1. Concerns authority of the Bible.
                          3. Some argue that the Bible is the soul of authority but must be interpreted wisely.
                            1. Synod = discusses matters of faith and morals as well as practical issues of governance.
                      2. JESUS
                        1. The Sermon on the Mount
                          1. Most concentrated body of ethical teachings in the Gospels.
                            1. Begins with the Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the poor...'
                          2. Teachings of Jesus designed to prepare people for the KINGDOM OF GOD
                            1. Kingdom of God = spiritual kingdom where God rules hearts and minds.
                              1. AMOS WILDER argues Jesus' teachings are designed to do three things:
                                1. Instil a sense of guilt/need for repentance
                                  1. Promote idea that K.O.G will soon be realised.
                                    1. Teach attributes that a true disciple needs in the kingdom.
                                2. EPISTLES OF PAUL
                                  1. Love of neighbour
                                    1. Believes Christians should imitate the virtues of Jesus in their daily lives: meekness, gentleness, humility, generosity, mercy and self-giving love.
                                      1. 'the fruit of the Spirit' Galatians 5:22-23
                                    2. SITUATION ETHICS
                                      1. JOSEPH FLETCHER
                                        1. Didn't like Legalistic or Antinomian Ethics
                                          1. = follow the MOST LOVING course of action.
                                            1. SIX fundamental principles:
                                              1. Love is the only absolute
                                                1. Agape = selfless love
                                                2. Self-giving love
                                                  1. Love & justice are the same.
                                                    1. Decisions are made depending on the situation.
                                                      1. Love must be a final end, not a means to an end.
                                                        1. Love is not preferential
                                                        2. STRENGTHS
                                                          1. Flexibility
                                                            1. Practical
                                                              1. 'People centred'
                                                              2. WEAKNESSES
                                                                1. Difficult to determine the consequences of an action.
                                                                  1. Could possibly justify any action.
                                                              3. DIVINE COMMAND THEORY
                                                                1. Actions are wrong/right depending on whether they follow God's commandments.
                                                                  1. TEN COMMANDMENTS (DECALOGUE)
                                                                    1. GOD
                                                                      1. Don't worship another Gods. Don't make idols. Don't misuse the name of God. Keep the Sabbath Day holy.
                                                                      2. MAN
                                                                        1. Don't murder. Don't lie. Don't steal. Don't be jealous. Don't commit adultery. Honour your mother and father.
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