Computer Security U3 - Access Control


Mind Map on Computer Security U3 - Access Control, created by Nick.Bell2013 on 30/04/2013.
Mind Map by Nick.Bell2013, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Nick.Bell2013 almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Computer Security U3 - Access Control
  1. What is access control?
    1. controls interaction
      1. users
        1. system resources
        2. security policy
          1. requirements
            1. organisational
              1. statutory
                1. Confidentiality
                  1. Integrity
                2. Access Request
                  1. Reference Monitor
                    1. System Decision
                  2. Subjects
                    1. Objects
                      1. passive
                      2. active
                        1. principal
                    2. Access Operations
                      1. flow of information
                        1. read
                          1. write
                            1. execute
                              1. append
                              2. Unix
                                1. read
                                  1. write
                                    1. execute
                                    2. Bell-LaPadula
                                      1. info flow policy
                                        1. access modes
                                          1. observe
                                            1. alter
                                        2. Structures
                                          1. AC Matrix
                                            1. s,o,a
                                              1. rows indexed
                                              2. AC List
                                                1. columns in AC Matrix
                                                2. Capability List
                                                  1. rows in AC Matrix
                                                    1. subject-oriented system
                                                3. Administration
                                                  1. Groups
                                                    1. layer between subjects & objects
                                                    2. Roles
                                                      1. collection of access ops assigned to users
                                                      2. Groups vs Roles
                                                        1. Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
                                                      3. Security Labels
                                                        1. Protection Rings
                                                          1. QNX/Neutrino microkernel
                                                            1. VSTa microkernel
                                                            2. BLP
                                                              1. confidentiality policy
                                                                1. all conditions satisfied
                                                                  1. 'need-to-know' security latice
                                                                    1. label subjects & objects
                                                                      1. ordered pair of properties
                                                                        1. security lavel
                                                                          1. 'need-to-know' categories
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