What Are The Applications of LASERs in Science?


Physics Mind Map on What Are The Applications of LASERs in Science?, created by Kate Carlos on 01/08/2016.
Kate Carlos
Mind Map by Kate Carlos, updated more than 1 year ago
Kate Carlos
Created by Kate Carlos over 8 years ago

Resource summary

What Are The Applications of LASERs in Science?
  1. How Do Lasers Work?
    1. Types of Mediums
      1. Gas
        1. HeNe
          1. CO2
          2. Liquid
            1. Rhodamine 6G
            2. Solid
              1. Neodymium-Yag
                1. Ruby
                2. Semiconductor
                3. Components
                  1. Pump Source
                    1. Gain Medium or Laser Medium or Active Medium
                      1. Two or More Mirrors (forms an optical resonator)
                        1. Purpose
                      2. Applications of LASERs
                        1. In Military
                          1. In Medicine
                            1. In Science
                              1. Types of LASERs used
                                1. In What Product and Technology?
                                  1. What its used for?
                                    1. When and Where?
                                    2. In Industrial and Commercial
                                    3. Background Information
                                      1. History
                                        1. When was it created/ theorized?
                                          1. Who invented the first LASER?
                                            1. Where did it derive from?
                                            2. What it stands for?
                                              1. L...A...S...E...R...
                                              2. What is it?
                                                1. Types of LASERs
                                                2. Interesting Facts
                                                  1. Most Powerful Laser Beam
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