Alexander II's Local Government Reforms


The pros and cons of the Zemstvo and Duma set up in 1864
Declan Wiseman
Mind Map by Declan Wiseman, updated more than 1 year ago
Declan Wiseman
Created by Declan Wiseman almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Alexander II's Local Government Reforms
  1. Zemstvo 1864 and Dumas, town councils set up
    1. Cons (8)
      1. Peasants did not benefit
        1. Had to pay Zemstvo tax, higher proportion for poor than landlord
          1. Didn't participate as much
          2. Nobles vote was worth more
            1. 40% of members were nobles, not representative
              1. Provincial governor veteos Zemtsvo decision
                1. Only introduced to provinces where Nobility dominates
                  1. 19 provinces, then 37/70
                  2. Intelligentsia only talk about political affairs, peasants problems undiscussed
                    1. No control over taxes
                      1. o Zemstvo expenditure 15m roubles per year 1868- 96m by 1900, low considering wide range of responsibilities
                      2. Pros (3)
                        1. Nobles/townspeople/peasant all involved via electoral colleges
                          1. G Hosking "believed themselves to constitute a kind of alternative establishment"
                            1. Tsar's autocracy undermined
                              1. Shows another way of running Russia
                                1. Applies to intelligentsia
                            2. Helped to improve public services such as roads/schools/health/prisons
                              1. Industrial projects and poor relief
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