Feminist Theory of Religion


Feminist Theory of Religion
JJ Ralph
Mind Map by JJ Ralph, updated more than 1 year ago
JJ Ralph
Created by JJ Ralph over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Feminist Theory of Religion
  1. Religion is patriarchal and legitimates female oppression
    1. Evidence of Patriarchy
      1. Religious Organisations
        1. Male dominated despite mostly female participation. Armstrong (1993) sees women as forbidden to become priests is a clear example of marginalisation.
        2. Places of Worship
          1. Participation within or access to certain areas is restricted for women. E.g. menstruating women cannot touch the Qur'an
          2. Sacred Texts
            1. Feature mostly male gods and figureheads.
              1. Written/interpreted by men
                1. Present anti-female stereotypes. E.g. Eve as reason for Eden expulsion.
                2. Religious Laws and Customs
                  1. Women have fewer rights. E.g. spouse numbers, divorce, dress codes
                    1. Unequal treatment such as genital mutilation
                      1. Catholic church bans abortion and contraception
                    2. Saadawi (1980): Religion is not the direct cause of female oppression. Patriarchy has influenced and reshaped religions as a result of monotheism.
                      1. Evaluation
                        1. Religious Feminism: Woodhead (1980)
                          1. Patriarchy isn't true for all religions
                            1. Hijab (Islam): Symbol of liberation, culture and identity to Muslim women
                              1. Evangelicals believe men should show respect to women
                                1. CofE has allowed female priests since 1992.
                                2. Marxists believe feminists ignore the role of religion in propping up capitalism
                                  1. PostMod: traditional Feminism is outdated
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