Magic, Religion, Science


College Religion and Philosophy (Interdisciplinary Comparison) Mind Map on Magic, Religion, Science, created by Emily Edgehouse on 21/02/2014.
Emily Edgehouse
Mind Map by Emily Edgehouse, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily Edgehouse
Created by Emily Edgehouse almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Magic, Religion, Science
  1. Sir James Frazer (late 1800's)
    1. Magic - manipulation; falsifiable =>
      1. Religion - asking, not demanding; supernatural causation =>
        1. Science
      2. Malinowski
        1. Magic fulfills an immediate need
          1. Religion is self fulfilling
            1. Science is observation-practice
        2. Emile Durkheim
          1. Religion as a communal act (church)
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