Treaty of Versailles


Treaty of Versailles Mind Map
Mind Map by jroberts28, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jroberts28 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Treaty of Versailles
  1. Territorial Losses
    1. Alsace Lorraine
      1. Polish Corridor
        1. Colonies
          1. Dazing
          2. Reperations
            1. £6.6 million to be paid to Great Britain, France and Belgium
            2. Armaments
              1. 100,000 Soldiers
                1. No tanks, planes or submarines
                  1. 6 Battleships
                    1. 16,000 Sailors
                    2. War Guilt
                      1. Germany had to admit to starting World War 1, despite being the 4th country to join
                      2. League of Nations
                        1. They could not join the new League of Nations
                        2. Effects of the Treaty of Versailles
                          1. Many refugees
                            1. People lose property, farms and jobs
                              1. Change of culture, language and law
                                1. Money needed to rebuild Germany goes to others and unemployment
                                  1. Veterans do not understand the blame
                                    1. Germany upset for being blamed
                                      1. Unable to resolve international problems
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