My Philosophy


exam prep my philosophy
Jordyn Pitman
Mind Map by Jordyn Pitman, updated more than 1 year ago
Jordyn Pitman
Created by Jordyn Pitman over 8 years ago

Resource summary

My Philosophy
  1. 1. Key ideas
    1. 2. Aligns with traditions
      1. 3. inform and impact teaching practice
        1. provide examples
    2. I believe that students are the most important aspect in the classroom
      1. Progressive: Child-centred, curriculum content derived from the children interests and experiences
        1. Relationships! Students will learn in an environment that is positive and is relative. Reading books that aren't of interest or the right academic challenge, students won't take it in. Contexts need to be relevant so they understand etc.
        2. Critical: Teachers requires an element of care and respect for their students
          1. WILL DO: Know the learners academic, sporting and cultural interests, needs etc. Make positive relationships with students and family. Develop prior knowledge in lessons. Use whanau, iwi, hap in learning activities/classroom. Empathetic values used. Growth mindset
            1. WONT DO: Reuse lesson and unit plans year to year as the content will become irrelevant and the children interests will change and our planning must adapt.
            2. I believe that education should prepare students for the future
              1. Liberal: Education and knowledge is to be broad enough for a general foundation. Fundamental basis of knowledge to liberate oneself to become vocationally prepared later in life. Developing rational beings who can think for themselves, be autonomous.
                1. Progressive: Preparing students for society as an active and participating member, with reference to pragmatic learning and experiential collaborative environments
                  1. Seeing some schools that don't have technology in classrooms will be behind in relation to e-learning classes. With the growth of technology, students need to become technologically literate. Grouping works best for a lot of work, where students can bounce ideas off each other, in test situations, students feel scared an vulnerable.
                  2. WILL DO: Collaborative learning, groups, small, large, tuakana-teina. Work that is thematic and able to be done practically. Science, pays ed, art etc. Provide education from all disciplinary forms, covering a range of big ideas, themes, units. Challenge status quo and inquire about the inequalities in society.
                    1. Critical: Students are aiming to change the future, they will decide on the fate of what the future looks like with social trnafomration of the injustices and inequalities.
                      1. WONT DO: Individual learning, single seating, silent work, same-old worksheets, skip over over areas of concern.
                      2. I believe that education is about the development of oneself before the development of ones academic abilities.
                        1. Liberal: Education to create autonomous and rational beings who are personally free and liberated for the making of a liberal democracy.
                          1. WILL DO: build relationships and encourage creativity, social skills, and growth of personality. 'Me' units and discovery of self through arts, writing, health and social studies. Focus on the classroom environment before testing. Get pk and correct groupings for ability and collaborative.
                            1. WONT DO: step straight into plans and teaching for assessments. Focus on
                              1. Noticed, that learners don't learn unless they feel safe, loved and accepted for who they are. KaHikitia and Tataiako have been used to ensure students (maori in partic) learnt eerie culture and identity and how the has impacted on their success.
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