Workers in Nazi Germany 1933-1945


AS level History Germany 1933-1945 (Nazi organisations and the coordination of German society) Mind Map on Workers in Nazi Germany 1933-1945, created by BethanyKJN on 20/02/2014.
Mind Map by BethanyKJN, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by BethanyKJN over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Workers in Nazi Germany 1933-1945
  1. Nazi ideology
    1. Weimar
      1. The workers represented the largest socio-economic group making up 46% of the population
        1. Tended to vote for socialists or communists
          1. Weimar re-organised workers rights and trade unions were allowed
          2. Nazis adopted the name National Socialist German Workers Party showing that they wanted to represent and support the workers
            1. 40% of Nazi voters were members of the working class
            2. In 1933, many working class communities were beginning to break down
              1. In order for the Nazis volksgemeinschaft the working class couldn't be ignored
                1. However, the Nazis couldn't use oppression or repression
              2. Nazi organisations
                1. German Labour Front Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF)
                  1. Set up on the 6th of May 1933
                    1. Independant trade unions were banned and the DAF took over
                      1. Employers and employees had to sign up to it by 1939
                        1. Its leader was Robert Lay
                          1. 1933: 5 million
                            1. 1939: 20 million
                              1. Provided a range of facilities and bring social peace
                                1. Initiated the Volkswagen scheme in 1938
                                2. National Socialist Factory Cell Organisation NSBO
                                  1. These were the leaders of the Nazi workers organisation in the 1920's
                                    1. Were expected to play a major role but many were imprisoned for being Marxist Gangsters
                                      1. Declined into insignificance
                                      2. Beauty of Work Schonheit der Arbeit
                                        1. Improved work facilities
                                          1. Community spirit associated with physical exercise
                                          2. Strength through Joy Kraft durch Freude (KdF)
                                            1. Set up by Robert Lay and DAF
                                              1. Provided workers with leisure opportunities
                                                1. Holidays
                                                  1. Hikes
                                                    1. Sport
                                                      1. Theatre
                                                        1. Cinema
                                                        2. Was based on the idea that workers gain strength for their work by experiencing joy in their leisure time
                                                          1. Encouraged workers to see themselves as part of the volksgemeinshaft
                                                            1. Leisure time and Work time regulated by the Nazis meant that there was no private time for the workers
                                                              1. Used to indoctrinated workers and their families into Nazi ideology
                                                              2. Encouraged a spirit of social equality
                                                                1. Was organised on a one class basis
                                                                  1. Brought together Germans from different regions
                                                                2. Reich Labour Service Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD)
                                                                  1. Made it compulsory that all men aged between 19 and 25 did 6 months of labour
                                                                    1. Most were employed in agriculture or on public works
                                                                    2. Trustees of Labour
                                                                      1. Had the power to set wages, fix holidays and regulate working conditions
                                                                        1. Over saw the Councils of Trust
                                                                          1. Councils of Trust
                                                                            1. Replaced work councils
                                                                              1. Discussed plant output, safety and workers welfare
                                                                        2. How successful were the Nazis? How much did life change for the German workers?
                                                                          1. Workers were paid on how much they worked
                                                                            1. This was fine for the younger workers who could work harder for longer but not the older ones who couldn't work that hard for that long anymore
                                                                            2. Trade unions were replaced with the DAF. these were responsible for the work place
                                                                              1. It was compulsory and so you had to join up and pay the expensive membership fee
                                                                                1. They represented both employees and employers
                                                                                  1. Ran the KdF and SdA
                                                                                    1. Provided workers with activities and hoped they would work harder in return
                                                                                      1. Few managed to go a cruise
                                                                                        1. Many activity centers had to be built by the workers
                                                                                        2. Tried to improve working conditions
                                                                                          1. This didn't happen
                                                                                        3. No one ever got a Volkswagan from the scheme because by this point the factories had been converted to war production
                                                                                        4. Food shortages
                                                                                          1. Longer days 42.9 hours to 47 hours
                                                                                            1. st of living went up but wages still remained relatively low
                                                                                              1. Removing the trade unions meant that it removed workers rights
                                                                                                1. Trade unions were supposedly linked to communism
                                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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