Care of the person with Dementia who is stressed or Distressed


Dorothy McFadden Mind Map on Care of the person with Dementia who is stressed or Distressed, created by lisag1993 on 22/04/2013.
Mind Map by lisag1993, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lisag1993 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Care of the person with Dementia who is stressed or Distressed
  1. Potential causes of wandering
    1. Memory loss/ forgetfulness
      1. Lost/ Confused due to a change of environement e.g. inpatint admissions ward
        1. Excess energy
          1. Physically fit having always had an active lifestyle
          2. Express boredom
            1. Lack of stimulation
              1. No structured activites
              2. Emotional wandering
                1. Express loss
                  1. Searching for a loved one
                  2. Manfestation of pain/ discomfort
                    1. e.g. Constipation
                      1. The deterioration in the persons cognitive abilty makes them unable to express any pain/ discomfort
                      2. Sun downing
                        1. Wandering prior to retirement to bed
                      3. understand the persons Inner Experience
                        1. Identify the actual cause of wandering
                          1. Identify triggers which provoke the wandering
                            1. Idenify previoius routines
                              1. Person centred approach
                                1. Understanding the persons history
                                  1. Understanding their current life situation
                                  2. Communicate effectively
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