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Political Correctness - Liberal Prescriptivism
A-Level English Language Mind Map on Political Correctness - Liberal Prescriptivism, created by kalifaraj98 on 23/04/2016.
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english language
language change
political correctness
english language
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 9 years ago
Resource summary
Political Correctness - Liberal Prescriptivism
Social Diffusion
A conscious shift that's imposed upon us
Introduced by the dominant social class/media/social and economic aspirations
Driven by social factors in response to changes in attitudes
Eg: RP to modified RP
An attempt to minimise and counter discrimination and promote equality in our society
Eg: Gender, Race/ethnicity, Sexuality, Disability, Nationality, Age, Employment
1970 - 1980s: Huge social and cultural shift
Jobs/domains traditionally done by white men were increasingly done by women and ethnic inmates
Therefore, Language HAD to change to accomodate it
2nd Wave of Feminism
Eg: Contraceptive pills gave women more control
Resistance to PC
PC promotes EQUALITY
Marginalised groups are recognised
Challenges DOMINANT groups
Middle/ Upper class white men
Anti PC
States: 'PC is stifling free speech and freedom of expression'
Pernicious movement to undermine PC - 'Urban myths' created
Eg: terms like 'blackboard' banned beacause they were racist
This undermines the purpose of PC (prevent marginalisation of discrimination against minority roups)
Anti PC is believed by those in power - it is an expression of their fear as Pc doesn't exist to serve them
Process that language undergoes to become politically correct
1: Certain people have their rights, opportunities, or freedom restricted due to categorization as members of a group with a derogatory stereotype
2: Categorization is largely implicit and unconscious. it is facilitated by the easy availability of labeling terminology
3: By making the labelling terminology problematic, people are MADE to think conciously about how they describe someone
4: Once labelling is a conscious activity, individual merits of a person becomes more apparent
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
Language's grammatical categories shape its speakers' ideas and actions
Steven Pinker : The Game of the Name
Words are not thoughts
Words are arbituary
There is no real evidence for connections between names and objects - Ferdinand de Saussure
Eg: Dog, perro, chien, sag
They all mean dog but they all sound different
Attitudes towards etymology changes: 'invalid', 'New World'
BUT, over time, assosiationsare less prominent/noticed/contentious
Terms that are discarded will be reintroduced
Eg: slum - ghetto - slum
This is called carousel
Euphemism treadmill
Pinker suggests Language change is driven by politness
The need not to offend
Pinker suggests PC creates stigmatisation (people are judged by the way they use language
Overall, Pinker suggests that whatever PC achieves, it is only temporary
PC is necessary as it attempts to eliminate prejudice
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