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Medicine & Drugs
Master of Everything Biology - Drugs Mind Map on Medicine & Drugs, created by Grace Pulling on 21/04/2013.
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biology - drugs
biology - drugs
master of everything
Mind Map by
Grace Pulling
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Grace Pulling
over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Medicine & Drugs
New Meds
Criteria: Effective, Safe (toxicity levels and side effects), Stable (under normal conditions or long time, taken in and out of body
Tests on cells, tissues then organs
Research, first trials (animals), alterations, testing on healthy humans (looking for side effects), tested on diseased patient, legal tests.
Double blind trials
patient nor doctor know
Placebo or real drug
Placebo: tests for phycological illness
Patient is given some treatment
First sleeping pill, then used for morning sickness. Very safe for adults.
Was not tested on pregnant animals
Birth defects and severe limb deformalities
As of this new medication laws developed
Treat Leprosy, some cancers and autoimmune diseases
Effective Medicines
Lower Cholesterol levels by stopping liver from producing it
Improves balance of HDL's and LDL
Very popular among people, new
People haven't discovered long term side effects. i.e. liver damage
Some people like the drug and some people don't. GP's prescribe it because it is easy and profitable.
Prescribed Vs Non-Prescribed
non-prescribed wont hurt but wont make you feel better
Some can hurt even though they are natural as they contain chemicals
Only tests effectiveness if there is a double blind trial
Though this doesn't happen much because it is expensive
i.e. St John's Wort vs Prozac (depression)
SJW is herbal remedy used for 2000 years
SJW is just as effective; has fewer side effects, more effective than placebos
Drugs (all types)
Medicated or recreational: chemical changes in body, has side effects.
Examples: cigarettes (nicotine), coffee (caffeine), wine (ethanol)
Usually offer no long term benefits and cause harm to body. Except: medication as it is worth taking the risk.
Legal causes more health problems than illegal drugs do, as more people use them.
Why? they are more accessible, large companies have power (possibly over government),
Examples: Cocaine, heroin, marijuana, ecstasy
Cannabis (legal in some areas): can cause mental illness.
Expensive: may turn to crime to pay, don't look after themselves, contract serious illnesses (STD's, HIV/Aids - taken via needle, Hepatitis)
Addiction:change chemical processes, become dependant, cannot manage properly without it, need more of drug to help you feel normal.
Withdrawal: aches, pains, sweating, shaking, headaches, craving.
Why do people take drugs? Make you feel happy, good about yourself, help to cope with everyday life, be part of the crowd.
Gateway drugs: e.g. cannabis could lead to the usage of heroin.
Drugs and Sport
Performance Enhancing Drugs
Anabolic Steroids: muscle mass e.g. weightlifters and sprinters, strong painkillers: compete and train with injuries or fatigue.
Drug to create more red blood cells for more oxygen (e.g. marathon/cyclists/long distant competitors), drugs to make alert or calm.
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