Forces and Motion


Physics (Forces and Motion) Mind Map on Forces and Motion, created by HJ999 on 01/02/2014.
Mind Map by HJ999, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by HJ999 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Forces and Motion
  1. Speed
    1. s=d/t
      1. Speed=distance/time
      2. Units
        1. Speed m/s
          1. Distance m
            1. Time s
            2. Amount of time taken for an object to cover a distance
              1. How fast it is going
            3. Weight
              1. w=mg
                1. Weight=mass x gravity
                2. It is measured in Newtons (N)
                  1. It is the force of an object due to mass and the amount of gravity
                3. Force
                  1. f=ma
                    1. Force=mass x acceleration
                  2. Terminal Velocity
                    1. Terminal Velocity is when an object falls at a constant velocity in a fluid as the forces acting on it are equal
                    2. Work Done
                      1. w=fd
                        1. Work= force x distance
                        2. The units are Joules (J)
                          1. Work done calcuates how much enegry is needed to push an object with a force, a distance
                          2. Newtons Laws
                            1. First Law
                              1. An object will continue to be either stationary or move in a straight line at constant speed, unless resultant force acting on it
                              2. Second Law
                                1. Force on object directly proportional to its mass times acceleration f=ma
                                2. Third Law
                                  1. Every force applied to object surface there is opposite equal reaction force
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