Vitamin E


Properties, Functions, Deficiencies, Sources, RDA
Karen Daly
Mind Map by Karen Daly, updated more than 1 year ago
Karen Daly
Created by Karen Daly over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Vitamin E
  1. Tocopherols
    1. Properties
      1. Fat Soluble
        1. Insoluble in Water
          1. Heat stable
            1. Anti Oxidant
            2. Functions
              1. Reduce the risk of heart disease and cancers
                1. Thought to reduce coronary heart disease
                  1. Absorption of Vitamin A
                    1. Protects Blood Cells
                    2. Deficiencies
                      1. Rare
                      2. Sources
                        1. Cereals
                          1. Nuts
                            1. Vegetable oil
                            2. RDA
                              1. None
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