

Mind Map by tangy60, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tangy60 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Transport
    1. movement
      1. a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one, thus equalizing the concentrations on each side of the membrane.
        1. diffusia
          1. Boerhavia diffusa is a species of flowering plant in the four o'clock family which is commonly known as punarnava (meaning that which rejuvenates or renews the body in Ayurveda), red spiderling, spreading hogweed, or tarvine.
      2. carbohydrate
        1. water
        2. li pid
          1. any of a class of organic compounds that are fatty acids or their derivatives and are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents.
          2. nucleic acid
            1. which are composed of nucleotides, are very large and complex organic molecules that contain the genetic code for that organism.
            2. proteins
              1. any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds that consist of large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms,
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