Sociology overview


Sociology Mind Map on Sociology overview, created by nuhaheza on 20/04/2013.
Mind Map by nuhaheza, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nuhaheza almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Sociology overview
  1. Perspective
    1. Marxism
      1. Feminism
        1. New Rights
          1. Functionalism
            1. Social Action
            2. Research
              1. Validity
                1. Operationalisation
                  1. Representativeness
                    1. Aims
                      1. Quantitative/qualitative data
                        1. Sampling
                          1. Reliabity
                            1. Hypothesis
                            2. Inequality
                              1. Absolute poverty
                                1. Charles Murray
                                  1. Underclass
                                    1. Relative poverty
                                      1. Meritcracy
                                        1. Income & weath
                                        2. Crime
                                          1. Measuring crime
                                            1. Peer group pressure
                                              1. Patterns of crime
                                                1. Social construction
                                                  1. Social control
                                                    1. Deviance
                                                      1. Opportunity structure
                                                        1. White collar
                                                          1. Labelling
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