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Adrenal glands part 1: stress
Endocrinology Mind Map on Adrenal glands part 1: stress, created by maisie_oj on 18/04/2013.
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Resource summary
Adrenal glands part 1: stress
Located above the kidneys - however, they are not renal tissue
Two distinct parts
The cortex (outside)
Develops from mesodermal tissue
Purely endocrine tissue
Three distinct regions of cells
Zona glomerulosa (outermost)
Produces mineralocorticoids
Zona fasiculata (middle zone)
Produces glucocorticoids
Zona reticularis (innermost)
Produces androgens (DHEA-sulphate)
Foetus adrenal glands feature an extra zone (foetal zone) which is lost at 1yo
Produces steroid hormones only
Once synthesised the adrenals do not store the steroid hormones
The medulla (inside) - composed of chromaffin cells
Develops from neural crest cells which migrate to be within the cortex during foetal development
Effectively modified neural tissue (combination of neural and endocrine tissue)
Receives direct nerve stimulation from the sympathetic NS (the medulla is essentially a type of sympathetic ganglion)
Directly releases catecholamines into the blood
Catecholamines are also neurotransmitters (very fast acting and short lived)
All from the same biosynthetic pathway starting with tyrosine: Tyr -> L-DOPA -> dopamine -> NA -> adrenaline
Rate limiting step = tyr -> L-DOPA (by tyrosine hydroxylase)
Conversion of NA to adrenaline is regulated by glucocorticoids
Catecholamines - adrenaline (Short term response to stress)
Actions on adrenaline
Mobilises fuel reserves
Icreased glycogenolysis (breakdown of glycogen in liver and muscle)
Decrease insulin secretion
Bronchodilation - increases O2 supply and CO2 removal
Increase heart rate and contraction force
Increases cardiac output
Diverts blood away from skin and gut (vasoconstriction) and towards skeletal muscles (vasodilation)
Net effect
Prepares body for activity (by skeletal muscle) - skeletal muscle
Increased availability of nutrients
Reversal of a failing cardiac output
Increased blood supply to muscle (brings nutrients and O2 and removes waste material)
Binds to its target receptor - G protein coupled Adrenoreceptors
Very short action, with a half life of a few seconds n blood
Rapid response to stress (fight or flight)
Stress stimulant can be psychological, in response to potential imminent threat or systemic stress (e.g. Trauma -> blood loss)
What is stress?
A stimulus that forces a biological component out of its tolerated paramters
Any input that causes an imbalance of some form; can be physiological or psychological
Glucocorticoids - cortisol (Long term response to stress)
Synthesis of corticosteroids
Cholesterol ester (from cell stores)
Cholesterol (C27)
Progesterone (C21)
Mineralocorticoids (C21) - aldosterone
Androgens (C19)
Glucocorticoids (C21) - cortisol
Regulation of cortisol secretion
SUtimuli: exercise, stress, hypoglycaemia, infection, cold, emotions, shock (trauma, burns, haemorrhage)
Hypothalamus: recognises stimuli and secretes CRH (Arg-vasopressin also released)
Ant. pituitary: CRH stimulates ACTH secretion into the portal system
Adrenal cortex (zona fasiculata): ACTH stimulates the synthesis and release of cortisol
Cortisol secretion also occurs in a natural diurnal rhythym (pea of secretion in the morning)
Synthesised in corticotrophs (ant. Pituitary)
As large precursor protein (POMC)
Processing produces ACTH and beta-endorphin (opiate-like activity in the brain)
ACTH contains sequence of melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH)
Interacts with receptors in the zona fasiculata
Actions of ACTH
Immediate increase in adrenal blood flow
Stimulates cortisol and aldosterone
Maintains expression of the enzymes of steroid biosynthesis
Action of cortisol
Binds intracellular recptor and causes transcriptn of hormone-asscoaited genes
Part of the normal response to chronic stress
Adispose tissue: stimulates lipolysis
Excess cortisol causes lipogenesis in face, neck and trunk
Anti-insulin - maintains blood glucose
Muscle: stmulates proteolysis
Liver: stimulates gluconeogenesis
Suppressn of body's defence mechanisms
By inhibiting the enzyme PLA2
Inhibits prostaglandin/leukotriene production
Reduces pain
Reducing the sensation of injury severity
Allows individual to continue despite injury
Steroid injections used in sports
Mineralocorticoid effects
Increases Na(+) and H2O retention
Deactivated in liver by C17 hydroxylation (increases solubility)
Excretion via kidneys
Used to test for excess cortisol secretion
Therapeutic uses of glucocorticoids
Iflammatroy diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, eczema)
Several synthetic glucocorticoids used (prednisolone, dexamethasone, betamethadone)
Excess use suppresses the hypothalamic-pituitary axis causing cushings
Blood supply
Adrenal glands are highly vascular
Recieves seven-fold more of the cardiac output than expected for its size
Only the brain has a more tightly reserved blood supply
For delivery of substrate and oxygen
Effective removal and distribution of hormonal products
Rapid response to physiological stimulus
Reflects importance of the adrenal gland, particularly in the stress response (both physiological and psychological)
Blood flow to the adrenals is tightly regulated
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