

Uses of Suggest
Cristina Cabal
Mind Map by Cristina Cabal, updated more than 1 year ago
Cristina Cabal
Created by Cristina Cabal over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Suggest+that clause: We can use present, past, should+infinitive and subjunctive in the that clause. That can be omitted in informal style
    1. My mother suggested (that) I should learn English.
      1. I suggest (that) you study a bit more
      2. Suggest+-ing
        1. I suggest eating in that Italian restaurant.
        2. Suggest+ Wh-word (when, where, who, how..etc)
          1. Can you suggest where we can have a nice meal?
          2. Suggest+ noun
            1. He suggested the new restaurant in town for the wedding.
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