Alpha Beta Gamma


GCSE Physics (Radioactivity) Mind Map on Alpha Beta Gamma, created by Erin Boyle on 13/03/2016.
Erin Boyle
Mind Map by Erin Boyle, updated more than 1 year ago
Erin Boyle
Created by Erin Boyle over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Alpha Beta Gamma
  1. α
    1. stopped = paper
      1. range = few cm
        1. particles
          1. 2 protons
            1. 2 neutrons
          2. β
            1. stopped = thin metal
              1. range = 1m
                1. fast moving e-
                2. γ
                  1. stopped = thick lead
                    1. unlimited range in air
                      1. electromagnetic radiation
                      2. magnetic / electric field
                        1. separate α β γ
                        2. Ionisation
                          1. α β γ ionise substances they pass through
                            1. damage / kill living cells
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