

Mind Map on Entrepreneurial, created by Niall Dunne on 13/03/2016.
Niall  Dunne
Mind Map by Niall Dunne, updated more than 1 year ago
Niall  Dunne
Created by Niall Dunne almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. entrepreneurial
    1. primary coordinating device
      1. direct supervision
        1. characteristics flow from this
          1. responsibility for coordination lies with the boss
            1. all power is centralised at the strategic apex
              1. organisation success depends on the boss
                1. has to read the environment and threats an opportunities is crucial
                  1. strategic apex is important element
                    1. no middle management
          2. face to face supervision
            1. issuing instructions and monitoring work
              1. limits the size of the organisation
                1. so how feasible is this if the organisation growns
        2. division of labour
          1. uncomplicated
            1. little vertical or horizontal differentiation
              1. little formalised behaviour
                1. if it was not coordination would be impossible
                  1. differentiation and formalisation equal complexity
          2. no Technostructure or support staff
            1. boss must attend to the environment
              1. too complicated a operating system would stretch the capabilities of the boss.
              2. typical of new organisations
                1. strong leaders
                  1. mould and shape organisation
                    1. lot of flexibility
                      1. not plagued with routines and rigidities
                        1. allows felxability to adopt to circumstances.
                2. advantages and disadvantages
                  1. entrepreneur is in command and unites the enterprise
                    1. leads workers
                      1. make for flexibility
                        1. respond quickly to change
                          1. no long meetings
                            1. suit dynamic environment
                    2. burden of the organisation and the circumstances is borne by the boss
                      1. will have limits to their capacity
                        1. and to assimilate information from internal and external environment
                          1. it works best when environmental is simple
                    3. structure is simple
                      1. one large unit consisting of one or a few top managers
                        1. one dominates
                          1. group of workers who the basic work
                            1. not formalised
                              1. minimal use of planning liasion or training
                                1. not standarised little use for staff analysts
                                  1. few middle managers
                                    1. co ordination done by boss
                                      1. support staff minimised to keep structure lean and flexible.
                        2. must be flexible
                          1. operates in a dynamic environment
                            1. outsmart the bureaucracies
                              1. environment must be simple
                                1. as well as production system
                                  1. generally organisation is young
                                    1. time drives it towards bureaucracy
                                      1. vulnerability of simple structure cause it to fail
                                        1. if gets larger it will drive it towards bureaucracy
                          2. classic small tightly controlled
                            1. then can grow large
                              1. can be found in public sector
                                1. particular agencies
                                  1. sometimes under crisis conditions
                                    1. large can revert to entrepreneurial
                        3. when conditions favour the associated part of the organisation becomes prime,
                          1. organisation thus designs itself accordingly
                          2. Prime coordinating mechanism direct supervision with some mutual adjustment
                            1. key part
                              1. strategic apex
                                1. type of decentralisation
                                  1. vertical and horizontal
                                    1. low level of differentation
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