Adrenergic Agonists


? Pharmacology Mind Map on Adrenergic Agonists, created by Lindie Metz on 06/03/2016.
Lindie Metz
Mind Map by Lindie Metz, updated more than 1 year ago
Lindie Metz
Created by Lindie Metz over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Adrenergic Agonists
  1. Catecolamines
    1. Rapid inactivation (COMT/MAO), cannot be taken orally. Poor CNS penetration.
      1. Epinephrine, Norpeinephrine, Dopamine
    2. Affects sympathetic NS through adrenoreceptors
      1. Non-catecolamines
        1. Long half-life (slow MAO), can be taken orally. Penetration into CNS.
          1. Ephedrine
        2. Direct acting
          1. Epinephrine
            1. Alpha1, 2 Beta 1, 2
              1. Alpha 1 (vasoconstriction) – delays absorption of anaesthetics, control superficial bleeding, increase BP Beta 1 – overcome AV heart. Beta 2 – bronchodilation
                1. Hypersensitive crisis (↑ BP), Dysrhythmias, Angina Pectoris, Hyperglycaemia
            2. Dopamine
              1. Alpha and Beta
                1. Cardiogenic and septic shock, raises BP and increases cardiac output. Enhances kidney and splancnic perfusion
            3. Indirect acting
              1. Amphetamines
                1. Enhance E and EN
                  1. Stimulatory (E/NE), increase BP through release of Dopamine and NE
              2. Mixed
                1. Ephidrine
                  1. Release stored NE and stimulate α and β receptors. Vasoconstriction, bronchodilation.
                2. 1. Direct receptor binding
                  1. 2. Promote NE release
                    1. 3. Inhibit NE reuptake
                      1. 4. Inhibition of NE inactivation (MAO)
                        1. Receptors
                          1. α1
                            1. Eyes, blood vessels, male sex organs, prostatic capsule, bladder
                            2. α2
                              1. β1
                                1. Heart, kidney
                                2. β2
                                  1. Blood vessels, bronchi, GIT, liver, skeletal muscle
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