

Degree Pharmacy (PH1402 - Cell and Molecular Biology) Mind Map on Organelles, created by Has Maj on 19/12/2015.
Has Maj
Mind Map by Has Maj, updated more than 1 year ago
Has Maj
Created by Has Maj about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Nucleas
    1. Contains all the genetic information of the cell
      1. Has a nuclear envelope (double lipid bilyer) which contains nuclear pores allowing certain substances to pass
        1. Site of DNA and RNA sythesis
        2. Nucleolus
          1. Makes ribosomal subunits from rRNA and proteins
            1. Makes Ribosomes
            2. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
              1. Involved in the providing a surface for ribosomes to attach and produce proteins, then the transport of proteins produced
                1. Continuous with the nuclear envelope
                2. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
                  1. Involved in the sythesis and transport of lipids
                      1. Stores Ca ions
                      2. Golgi Apparatus
                        1. Made up of flattened sacs called cisternae
                          1. Further processes proteins and lipids from ER
                            1. Two sides - cis golgi (entrance), Trans golgi (exit)
                            2. Lysosomes
                              1. Small vesicle containing digestive enzymes
                                1. Used to break down pathogen
                                2. Mitochondria
                                  1. Double Membrane
                                    1. Involved in ATP sythesis
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