Activity-dependent central sensitization (CS)


Neuroscience of Pain (Sensitization) Mind Map on Activity-dependent central sensitization (CS), created by Cher Bachar on 16/04/2013.
Cher Bachar
Mind Map by Cher Bachar, updated more than 1 year ago
Cher Bachar
Created by Cher Bachar over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Activity-dependent central sensitization (CS)
  1. Induction/ maintenance


    1. Glutamate
      1. NMDR
        1. Induction
          1. antagonists


            • blocking NMDRs by non-competitive/ competitive anta>> prevents and reverses hyperexcitability of nociceptive neurons
            1. subunit deletion


              • abolishes NMDA synaptic inputs and acute activity-dependent central sensitization
            2. Maintenance


              •    o   SP and CGRP>> remove the Mg block by depolarisation o   Glutamate>> generates an inward Ca current  o   >> activates intracellular pathways>> Contributes to maintenance of CS   
            3. mGluRs
              1. Group I


                • mGluR1 and 5) are coupled with Gαq-proteins (whose activation causes an increase of [Ca2+]
                1. Induction
                2. Group II


                  • mGluR 2 and 3
                  1. blocks induction
                  2. Group III


                    • mGluR4, 6, 7 and 8) are coupled with Gαi/o-proteins
                    1. Lamina


                      • There is a lamina-specific pattern of expression has been characterized for mGluR1α (lamina V), mGluR5 (laminas I-II), mGluR2/3 (lamina II inner),suggesting precise and distinct physiological roles for the different subtypes
                    2. Kainate (KA)
                      1. AMPAR
                      2. NMDR
                        1. Substance P (SP)
                          1. Neurokinin 1 (NK1)
                            1. Induction


                              • Ablation of NK1-positive neurons in the spinal cord leads to a reduction in capsaicin-evoked central sensitization   
                          2. CGRP


                            • Calcitonin gene-related peptide  Enhances the release of BDNF
                              1. CGRP1 receptor


                                • participates in central sensitization through postsynaptic CGRP1 receptors, which activate PKA and PKC
                                1. Annotations:

                                  • potentiates the effects of SP
                                2. BDNF


                                  • brain-derived neurotrophic factor  may contribute to its involvement in migraine and other primary headaches
                                  • release in enhanced by CGRP
                                  1. trkB receptor
                                    1. Annotations:

                                      • BDNF enhances NMDAR-mediated C-fiber–evoked responses and causes activation of several signaling pathways in spinothalamic track neurons, including ERK,and PKC
                                  2. Signalling pathways
                                    1. Induction


                                      1. Role for Ca
                                        1. NMDAR Phosphorylation (P)
                                          1. AMPAR (P)
                                            1. activates PKC/ CAMKII
                                            2. Maintenance


                                              1. multiple pathways


                                              2. NO
                                              3. Synaptic plasticity
                                                1. Homosynaptic
                                                  1. Heterosynaptic
                                                  2. Pathology
                                                    1. Inflammatory
                                                      1. Neuropathic
                                                      2. Phases
                                                        1. Early
                                                          1. Late
                                                          2. Features
                                                            1. Induced by short latency (seconds)
                                                              1. intense, repeated, or sustained nociceptor inputs
                                                                1. Long-lasting
                                                                  1. Multiple pathways for induction


                                                                    1. NMDAR
                                                                      1. AMPAR
                                                                        1. Why?
                                                                          1. Interaction needed
                                                                            1. Parallel inputs
                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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