The Scramble for Africa


Making of Modern Africa Mind Map on The Scramble for Africa, created by callumreilly1 on 15/04/2013.
Mind Map by callumreilly1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by callumreilly1 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Scramble for Africa
  1. Beginning
    1. 1876 - French Initiative in Senegal to revitalise France through colonial wealth
      1. Rail/Military advances spread to 2 other regions.
        1. Treaties with local nobles


          • -1882 treaty ratified by French Assembly with the Tio ruler at Lake Malebo on the River Congo - professed to cede his hereditary nights to the traveller Savorgnon de Brazza 
          • Treaties in the Lower Niger which threatened long-established British trading interests. 
          1. OBLIGATION - other European powers feel threatened/obliged to colonise.
            1. Threatened King Leopold II of Belgium's plans - since 1876 he had used his own private wealth to establish commercial stations on the lower congo.
              1. British feared French protectionist regime on lower Congo but did not desire responsibility there themselves.
                1. Instead recognised Portugal's ancient claims in the region in return for freedom to trade there.
                  1. Angered other European Statesmen such as Bismarck.
                2. Bismarck felt pressured into colonisation to protect German commercial interests in Africa


                  • Could also earn him some political support. 
        2. Economics
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