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Wiles on Miracles
Philosophy (Miracle) Mind Map on Wiles on Miracles, created by joe_lamy on 14/04/2013.
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Wiles on Miracles
Modern Theologian
Argued that any occasion where God intervened with the natural order to help individuals or groups would raise issues of consistency and fairness
For Wiles, the goodness of God and the existence of miracles were two incompatible ideas
God chooses to be biased; ignoring those with the greatest need
An action based on random choice
A strong supporter of a certain party or group, often in times of war
God is the creator and sustainer of the world
There was in effect a single miracle of creation
God's creation was good and did not require intervention in the form of specific matters
'The world as a whole is a single act of God'
Wiles, The Remaking of Christian Doctrine
Some critics of Wile's view have said this is a form of Deism not theism
The belief that God creates the world but is then separate and uninvolved in its continuing affairs
God put in place certain natural laws
given these natural laws, miraculous events would be very rare by definition
Used examples of how God never intervened in Auschwitz or Hiroshima
Uses example of how Jesus turns water into wine; it seems a bizarre arbitrary whim of God
Wile's view may appeal to educated believers as it allows them to believe in God and uphold scientific laws
It may be seen as solving the problem of evil
God does not intervene either because he cannot or because he is willingly bound by the laws of nature
Allows believers to reinterpret the idea of prayer
It is not about presenting wish lists to God that make God act
It is rather about allowing an individual to connect to God's will
What Wiles is suggesting does not accord with traditional religious teaching about God
It requires the claim that believers have completely misunderstood the notion of miracles for almost 2000 years
To suggest that miracle stories show God's love and power and loses impact if God is not able to intervene in the world
It is not appropriate to make God conform to human rationality
God may act in ways that are beyond our human reasoning
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