CPE Necropsy Section 1 Perform a complete necropsy


Profesional Necropsy Mind Map on CPE Necropsy Section 1 Perform a complete necropsy, created by ARegalado on 02/01/2014.
Mind Map by ARegalado, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by ARegalado about 11 years ago
Copied by ARegalado about 11 years ago
Copied by ARegalado about 11 years ago
Copied by ARegalado about 11 years ago
Copied by ARegalado about 11 years ago

Resource summary

CPE Necropsy Section 1 Perform a complete necropsy
  1. Examines major organs in a systematic manner
    1. Thoroughly examines intact carcass
      1. General body condition and hydration
        1. nutritional status, muscle mass
          1. palpates body, head
          2. Skin/hair coat
            1. dorsum/ ventrum
            2. Head
              1. eyes, ears, lips, oral cavity, external nare
              2. Perianal andgenital region and mammary gland
                1. Necropsy Report
                  1. Limbs and foot
                    1. visual evaluation, palpation, flexion of joints
                      1. pads, toenails, hooves
                    2. Opens carcass, examines major cavities
                      1. Examining viscera in situ in both body cavities
                        1. Thoracic cavity
                          1. Abdominal cavity
                          2. Remove viscera
                            1. Remove head
                              1. Necropsy Report
                              2. Heart
                                1. Examining myocardium
                                  1. Opening chambers, aorta, vena cava, pulmonic trunk
                                    1. exposing and examining valves
                                    2. Examines muscles and joints
                                      1. Major muscles
                                        1. Necropsy Report
                                          1. dissecting, transecting, and inspecting two or more
                                          2. One each from a hind and fore limb
                                            1. Joints
                                              1. completely opening at least two
                                                1. inspecting joint surfaces and synovial membranes
                                              2. Examines endocrine glands, lymph nodes
                                                1. Thyroid glands
                                                  1. Adrenal glands
                                                    1. Lymph nodes
                                                      1. Peripheral
                                                        1. Internal
                                                        2. Necropsy Report
                                                          1. Locating, incising, and inspecting
                                                          2. Remove the animals’ head at the atlanto-occipital joint
                                                            1. Opening larynx, esophagus, trachea and mainstem bronchi
                                                              1. Liver and gallbladder
                                                                1. Opening gallbladder
                                                                  1. sectioning and inspecting at least 2 areas of the liver
                                                                  2. Stomach and intestines
                                                                    1. inspecting omentum
                                                                      1. opening and inspecting stomach
                                                                        1. Opening and inspecting representative levels of small intestine and colon
                                                                          1. Incising and inspecting pancreas
                                                                          2. Urogenital tract
                                                                            1. Sectioning kidneys and following ureters if indicated
                                                                              1. Stripping renal capsule
                                                                                1. Opening bladder
                                                                                2. Spleen
                                                                                  1. Necropsy Report
                                                                                    1. Reproductive tract
                                                                                      1. incising and inspecting testes or ovaries
                                                                                        1. Documenting if sexually intact or neutered
                                                                                        2. Lung
                                                                                          1. sectioning and inspecting & palpating the for inflation status
                                                                                        3. Systematic approach to necropsy
                                                                                          1. Efficiently, in an orderly manner, using instruments appropriately and safely


                                                                                            • Necropsy Attire and Equipment http://video.vet.cornell.edu/virtualvet/bovine/1.html
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                                                                                            CPE Small Animal Medicine Station 1 Clinical Evaluation
                                                                                            CPE - Necropsy
                                                                                            Jayden Kim
                                                                                            CPE Small Animal Medicine Station 2
                                                                                            CPE - Necropsy
                                                                                            CPE Food Animals Station 1-2
                                                                                            CPE Equine Station 1-b
                                                                                            CPE Small Animal Medicine Station 2
                                                                                            CPE - Equine - Station 1-b
                                                                                            Jayden Kim
                                                                                            CPE - Small Animal Medicine - Station 2
                                                                                            Jayden Kim
                                                                                            CPE Small Animal Medicine Station 1 Clinical Evaluation