CPE - Equine - Station 1-b


Clinical Evaluation
Jayden Kim
Mind Map by Jayden Kim, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by ARegalado almost 9 years ago
Jayden Kim
Copied by Jayden Kim almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

CPE - Equine - Station 1-b
  1. Clinical Evaluation
    1. 1.-Restraint and Safety


      • Quick release knots http://youtu.be/gx6Sof1ZWSY
      1. Approach horse in an appropriate manner


        • ALWAY handled from the LEFT, NEVER stand in front Use a halter and lead rope Avoid to tied de the horse  NEVER use chainLEAD ROPE (cotton)Never wrapped around the hand Use a quick release knot, Never jerk the rope suddenly LEAD SHANK + nose chain Use: control young racehorses / stallions Chain portion placed around the upper lip, then the handle is twisted until tight
        1. Place halter on horse


          • Restrain w lead rope and halter http://youtu.be/LqpZ8p_DJG8
          1. Instruct and use appropriate manual restraint
            1. twitch


              • NOSE twitch Use: restrain for veterinary procedure (pass nasal gastric tube, rectal exam, wound suturing ) Other short procedure, add to chemical restrain Effect: immobilize the horse Types: a) Metal (humane twitch): for weanlings, mild fairly pressure b) Wooden handle w chain or rope SKIN twitch Grabbing a skin fold along the neck and roll it until snug Use: adm of inn medications
              1. ear hold
                1. lip chain


                  • Restraining a Horse (lip chain) http://youtu.be/_kUIJu46LvA
                2. chemical restraint


                  • Phenothiazines (anti-dopaminergic) Mild to moderate AcepromazineAlpha-2 Adrenergic Agonists (mild to heavy)MedetomidineDemetomidineRomifidineXylazine                
                  1. Explain need fo
                    1. Administer
                    2. Catch and restrain the horse in a box stall with a halter and lead rope


                      • Haltering, Leading and Restraint http://youtu.be/5lm0pA1Kcnw Safely Remove Your Horse From a Herd http://www.thehorse.com/videos/30496/safely-remove-your-horse-from-a-herd
                    3. 2.-Hx
                      1. Signalment, including breed
                        1. Presenting complaint or reason for evaluation
                          1. Duration of presenting complaint or management issues
                            1. Past problems
                              1. previous Tx
                                1. response to those Tx
                                2. Extent of involvement of other animals on premises
                                  1. Housing
                                    1. Medication Hx
                                      1. Vaccination Hx
                                        1. Dietary/nutrition Hx
                                          1. Intended use of animal
                                          2. 3.-PE
                                            1. Distance
                                              1. Body condition
                                              2. Hands-on
                                                1. Rectal examination
                                                  1. ONLY interpret results
                                                2. 4.-Integration
                                                  1. Problem
                                                    1. Identify significant findings
                                                      1. Normal
                                                        1. Abnormal
                                                        2. Develop Ddx list
                                                          1. identify potential problems w/ current management procedures
                                                          2. Arrive at the #1 likely Dx
                                                          3. Dx Management plan
                                                            1. Order appropriate diagnostic tests and/or necropsy
                                                              1. Interpret laboratory and/or necropsy results
                                                                1. Develop therapeutic or management plan
                                                                  1. Individual animal
                                                                    1. herd
                                                                2. 5.-Communication
                                                                  1. Communicate therapeutic or management
                                                                    1. Individual animal
                                                                      1. herd
                                                                      2. Communicate Px
                                                                        1. Discuss issues
                                                                          1. prevention and control
                                                                            1. management
                                                                              1. public health
                                                                          2. Instruct unskilled assistant on appropriate and safe handling techniques
                                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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