Animated Advert


Mind Map on Animated Advert, created by Jessica Fisher - Student on 21/02/2016.
Jessica Fisher - Student
Mind Map by Jessica Fisher - Student, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessica Fisher - Student
Created by Jessica Fisher - Student about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Animated Advert
  1. Felix
    1. Style
      1. Realistic Illustration
        1. Minimal Colour
            1. Product to Advertise
              1. Felix Cat Food
                1. Felix Kitten Food
                  1. Felix Treats
                  2. Inspiration
                    1. Buck Design
                      1. Designed Hive Adverts
                      2. Walt Disney
                        1. Realistic Illustrative Style
                        2. Nick Sharrat
                          1. Realistic Illustrative Style
                      3. Hive
                        1. Inspiration
                          1. Buck Design
                            1. Created the Original Adverts
                            2. Walt Disney
                              1. Simple, Illustrative Style
                            3. Product to Advertise
                              1. Hive Heating App
                                1. Hive Heating Products
                                  1. Hive Hub
                                    1. Hive Heating Kit
                                  2. Style
                                    1. Simple Line Drawings
                                      1. Minimal Colour
                                        1. Change4Life
                                          1. Style
                                            1. Plastercine
                                              1. Illustrated Background
                                              2. Inspiration
                                                1. Aardman
                                                  1. Involved in the original adverts
                                                  2. Nytol Advert
                                                    1. Another Aardman Advert
                                                  3. Product to Advertise
                                                    1. Sugar Smart App
                                                      1. Healthy Eating
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