The Long March (1934-35)


Mind Map by g-jacqmin, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by g-jacqmin almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Long March (1934-35)
  1. Why?
    1. Guomindang had trapped the communists in Jiangxi province after a series of extermination campaigns
      1. With no extra soldiers, food and equipment from outside, the communists were faltering
        1. Fifth extermination campaign led by General Hans von Seekt led to the loss of half the territory and loss of 60,000 communist soldiers by October 1934
        2. What?
          1. Russian Otto Braun organised a retreat to the Hunan-Hubei province to meet the second communist army group
            1. 16 October 1934: retreat started, with communists taking all equipment and 87,000 men
              1. Nov.-Dec: Communists lost 45,000 men at the Xiang River battle
                1. Jan. 1935: Otto Braun was dismissed as he was blamed for the great losses of men
                  1. Mao Zedong and Zhu Ye regained control
                  2. Crossed the Yangzi river and Dadu river, where 22 soldiers had to swing across under enemy fire and the Snowy Mountains
                    1. October 1935: Arrived in Yanan province and met 2nd+4th army
                      1. Less than 10,000 of the 87,000 men remained
                    2. What importance?
                      1. Provided a life-line for the trapped communists
                        1. Restored strength of communist army as they got back to 80,000 men in Yanan
                          1. Its success was big propaganda
                            1. Mao was re-established as unchallenged leader of CCP
                              1. The good behaviour of the Red Army impressed many
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