War with Japan (1937-45)


Mind Map by g-jacqmin, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by g-jacqmin almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

War with Japan (1937-45)
  1. Events
    1. July 1937: Japanese troops attack Beijing army bases and capture the city after provoking an incident
      1. Japanese troops sweep southwards, pushing Guomindang back
      2. November 1937: Capture Shanghai (most important port)
        1. December 1937: Capture capital Nanjing
          1. GMD make new capital in Chongqing
          2. 1938-44: Japanese occupy all major cities, railways,ports,roads...
            1. Chinese re-captured countryside as not enough Japanese manpower
            2. 1938: Nanjing Massacre -- competition to see which Japanese officer could be the first to behead 100 chinese
              1. About 300,000 Chinese deaths
            3. Guomindang during the war
              1. Retreated from Japanese invasion and gave up Nanjing, Beijing and Shanghai
                1. Cut-off from industrialised western parts of China so couldn't fight back
                2. Became very corrupt
                  1. Chiang governed like a dictator with an army of 'Blueshirts' that hunted down opposition
                    1. Did little to improve Chinese welfare problems--> little support from peasants
                    2. American Involvement
                      1. 1941: Japan had 2 million men in China, more than half army
                        1. December 1941: Pearl Harbour attack brings US into the war
                          1. American supplies went to Chinese, Japanese trade bombarded
                            1. August 1945: Atomic bombs end war
                            2. CCP during the war
                              1. 1937-45: Used guerrilla tactics to attack Japanese troops and regain control of Northern China and countrysides
                                1. 1940: Hundreds Regiment Battle -- attacked Japanese-controlled railways to paralyse Japanese transport
                                  1. 1941: 'Three-All Campaign' by Japanese-- kill all, burn all, destroy all.
                                    1. Aim to turn peasants against CCP but had opposite effect
                                    2. 1937: 30,000 m2 + 2 million people
                                      1. 1945: 300,000 m2 + 95 million people
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